The Okanagan is renowned for its sweet, succulent, summer peaches. We even have a town named Peachland!
Nothing says “summer” better than the juice of a fresh peach running down your chin. This fuzzy fruit is a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and is low in calories and free of cholesterol, sodium and fat.
Peaches are categorized based on the relationship between the pit and the peach flesh. In other words, how well the flesh attaches to the pit. There are three different types, clingstone peaches, freestone peaches, and even semi-cling peaches. Clingstone peaches are sweeter and juicier making them the best for canning and making desserts. Freestone are perfect for baking and snacking.
Check out our August is for Celebrating Peaches Fact Sheet for more fun facts and recipes for Campfire Peach Mallows and Peach Salsa.
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